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Write That Book Video Vault, with Tricia Goyer!
Literary Agents in the Publishing Industry
Cynthia Ruchti - Working With an Agent (65:36)
Barb Roose - Greenlighting Your Way to Getting a Literary Agent (59:00)
An Interview with Janet Grant (61:46)
Barb Roose - The Five Things that an Agent is Looking for in a Book Proposal (60:50)
Barb Roose - Literary Agent 101 (45:53)
Writing Fiction
Tara Johnson - Going Deeper With Your Characters (40:30)
Jerusha Agen - Back Copy Blurbs & Elevator Pitches (60:21)
Sarah Sundin - Tackling Tough Issues in Fiction (51:29)
Robin Gunn - Creating Characters in Fiction (54:37)
Lisa Bergren - From Idea to Launch (41:28)
Tricia Goyer - Basic Novel Outline (7:37)
Robin Hatcher - Behind the Scenes: A Novelist’s Life (52:34)
Robin Patchen - Adding Tension to Your Fiction (57:38)
Angela Strong - Accepting Rejection, Finding an Agent, Suspense, and Happily Ever After (56:14)
Sarah Sundin - The Process of Writing a Novel (60:01)
Kim Woodhouse & Tricia Goyer - Interview (44:18)
Tricia Goyer - Q&A (78:23)
Gabrielle Meyer & Tricia Goyer - Interview (33:10)
Kim Woodhouse - How to Start Your Story (32:37)
Kim Woodhouse - Setting as Strong as a Character (45:06)
Jaime Jo Wright - Building Characters (46:21)
The Writing Life
Jolene Underwood - Soul Care for Writers (56:45)
Tricia Goyer - Balancing Life & Writing (40:56)
Susan Seay - Strategies to Keep Writing in Spite of Your Inner Critic (33:31)
Jen Babakhan - Balancing Mothering & Writing (57:29)
Amber Lia - 7 Key Things to Do While Under a Deadline (42:05)
Tricia Goyer - The Spiritual Life of Writers and Self-publishing (61:05)
Crystal Stine - Holy Hustle, Writing Through Failure, and Overcoming Doubt (49:07)
Jolene Underwood - Character Structure (21:31)
Susan Seay - Write With Me (31:19)
Brenda Yoder - The Work-Life Balance (42:18)
Jaime Jo Wright - Accomplishing Writing Goals and Maintaining Creativity During trying Times (36:09)
Tricia Goyer - Rest and Peace in Writing (65:24)
Janet McHenry - Thoughts and Advice on the Writing Life (50:34)
Alice Crider - Tips for Persevering (63:44)
Susan Seay - Clarity Journaling (20:31)
Tricia Goyer - Making Money as a Writer (36:36)
Robin Lee Hatcher - Q&A (33:22)
Cara Putman - Getting Started When You Haven’t Written for a While (35:25)
Cynthia Ruchti - How and Where Less is More in our Writing Life (62:59)
Mary DeMuth - Thoughts and Encouragement on the Writing Life (58:07)
Karen Whiting - Industry Relationships (57:50)
Tricia Goyer - An Interview with Kennisha Griffin (50:52)
Kennisha Griffin - My Publishing Experience (44:55)
Janet McHenry - Coachability (63:53)
Kathi Lipp - Planning Processes (35:43)
Roseanna White - Building Bookish Communities (43:53)
Roseanna White - Surprise and Delight (31:48)
Alice Crider - Top 10 Mistakes New Authors Make (29:20)
Marketing, Publicity and Platform
Liz Johnson - Marketing & Publicity for Authors (67:06)
Alice Crider - Tribe Building (53:11)
Audra Jennings - Press Kits and Q&As (37:53)
Liz Johnson - Writing and Marketing Your Fiction (59:44)
Audra Jennings - Press Kits, Press Releases, and Websites (59:12)
Karen Whiting - Making the Most of Marketing Efforts (47:36)
Writer's Resources
Kimberley Woodhouse - Writer’s Resources (25:16)
Janet McHenry - Recording Audiobooks (58:58)
Michelle Ule - Other Things We Can Write Besides Writing That Book (38:20)
Kimberley Woodhouse - Writing Tools (25:12)
Kathi Lipp - How to Plan for a Creative Year (24:30)
Kimberley Woodhouse - Creating Templates in Scrivener (40:51)
Non-Fiction Writing
Jen Babakhan - The Book Writing Process (50:08)
Karen Whiting - Non-Fiction Writing Basics (62:17)
Kristin Demery - Self-Publishing, Co-Authors, and the Writer’s Life (54:22)
Janet McHenry - Writing Picture Books and Non-fiction (63:05)
Michelle Ule - Book Proposals (51:46)
Janet McHenry - Being Intentional in Writing and Facebook Lives (29:45)
Tricia Goyer - How Our Authentic Stories Can Point Others to Real Hope (41:42)
Tricia and Robin Gunn - Co-Writing (68:44)
Kimberley Woodhouse - Creative Journaling (27:20)
Brenda Yoder - Self-Editing in Nonfiction (61:13)
Editors and Editing
Jessica Wong - Publishing Through an Editor's Eyes (60:34)
Kim Woodhouse - Critique Groups (77:16)
Kim Woodhouse - Being Teachable (39:27)
Ginger Harrington - Self-Editing (58:29)
Screenwriting and the Entertainment Industry
Lori Twichell - Screenwriting Behind The Scenes (56:48)
Amber Lia - Behind the Scenes in the Entertainment Industry (53:33)
Robin Hatcher - Behind the Scenes: A Novelist’s Life
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